Why mentoring matters

A UW–Madison professor of medicine leads a new ad hoc committee studying whether mentoring can increase diversity in STEMM fields.

The National Academy of Sciences study focuses on undergraduate and graduate mentoring of individuals traditionally marginalized in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medical) fields, including women, individuals from racial or ethnic groups historically underrepresented in STEMM, and first-generation college students.

Angela Byars-Winston, professor of medicine at UW–Madison, leads the committee.

“The depth of scholarship of this committee is remarkable — in the field of STEMM mentorship theory and practice, we truly have an Olympic-level ‘dream team’ assembled,” says Byars-Winston.

Also on the committee is Christine Pfund, researcher with the Wisconsin Center for Education Research and Director of the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER) at UW–Madison.

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