Apply now for new fellowship on learning analytics

Learning analytics (LA) tools offer data that can contribute to improving teaching and learning. Instructor voices are instrumental in providing input into the evaluation of potential new LA tools for UW-Madison. The spring 2020 Fellowship on Learning Analytics, sponsored by DoIT Academic Technology, will develop and apply a process to evaluate and choose learning analytics tools based on pedagogical needs, and in alignment with UW-Madison’s goals. Faculty and instructional staff who are interested in learning analytics or have experimented with learning analytics processes in their teaching are invited to apply for the program. Participants receive a $500 stipend for their time, which includes 60-90 minutes prep time each week along with a weekly 90-minute face-to-face session.

Apply now

Dates: Mondays, Feb. 2 – April 12, 2020 (No meeting on March 17)
Time: Noon–1:30pm
Location: 302 Middleton Building, 1305 Linden Drive
Stipend: $500 | Lunch is provided each week

The fellowship will focus on the following outcomes:

  • Identify questions you might have about your students, your course or your teaching that LA approaches can help answer.
  • Identify data literacy needs applicable for using learning analytics tools.
  • Prototype and refine a pedagogical framework for evaluating LA tools.
  • Evaluate LA tools currently available or under consideration for campus implementation.
  • Develop communication strategies to engage with colleagues and represent instructional needs relevant to learning analytics in a course or program.

Please direct questions to Cid Freitag  at or 265-2907.