Apply now for 2019-20 Blend@UW sessions

Blend@UW is now accepting applications for 2019-20. Blend@UW supports campus by helping faculty design blended and online courses that foster deeper, more active learning for students. Participants of Blend@UW will develop a course map that includes: course outcomes, course units, unit objectives, learning activities, delivery format, technology to be leveraged, student assessments, and a course evaluation plan.

The program is offered in a five-day series of half day sessions, and is co-sponsored by DoIT Academic Technology and  the College of Letters and Science Learning Support Services.

Dates of the 2019-20 sessions are provided below. Breakfast is provided each day of every session.

Apply now

January 6-10 – 8am – noon | 122 Ingraham Hall, 1155 Observatory Drive

January 13-17 – 8am – noon | 122 Ingraham Hall, 1155 Observatory Drive

May 11-15 – 8am – noon | 122 Ingraham Hall, 1155 Observatory Drive

June 1-5 – 8am – noon | Location TBD

July 13-17 – 8am – noon | 302 Middleton Building, 1305 Linden Drive

August 17-21– 8am – noon | Location TBD