Early-career faculty fellowship – MTLE call for applications

Early-career faculty teaching undergraduate courses are invited to apply for the next cohort of Faculty Fellows in the Madison Teaching and Learning Excellence (MTLE) program.

Apply now, for fall 2018. Applications will be accepted through May 15, 2018.

What can MTLE do for early-career faculty?

The program aims to help early-career faculty become a fast, efficient, effective, and satisfied starter in teaching.

  • Help them design a learner-centered course
  • Help them become a more engaging and impactful educator
  • Provide expert support in the design and implementation of instructional materials and activities
  • Connect them with a network of teaching and learning experts across campus
  • Welcome them into a small (8-10 faculty), supportive cohort of early-career faculty peers

Through this program, fellows consistently report greater satisfaction and impact with their teaching, resulting in an efficiency that affords them more time for research, outreach, and service. In addition, Fellows gather evidence about teaching success to use in their tenure dossiers.

Questions? Visit the MTLE website or send an email to info@mtle.wisc.edu.